What's the deal?

At Sentia we have decided that now more than ever our customers need support and that we should pay it forward.

Our mission is to change the way people work at work and as salesforce.com experts we are now offering at no charge an online session for a couple of hours with one of our team where together with you, we will fine tune your salesforce.com CRM and make sure that your team can work as effectively as possible and to supercharge user adoption.

Let us clean your clutter

We all hate clutter and often our CRM page layouts are full of unneeded information & details that may be useful to some in the business but not you. Alongside you, we will demonstrate for you on your system how easy it is to remove everything that you don’t need to see each day and leave only what information really adds value.

Make the CRM work for you

CRMs are fantastic if they hold all of your Customer information but they are often either missing some records or include duplicates that frustrate and annoy. We will show you how to remove duplicates quickly and easily and also just how to import any lists of Customers that you may have stored in Outlook or online in other address books and the like.

Let us show you how to master reports

Establishing your own lists on salesforce.com can be a real benefit making it easy to view groups of customers at a glance. Let us show you how to do this any time. Also, simple automations are not difficult to set up and we can show you how to do this .. for example, automatically create a task for yourself to follow up in a month or two whenever a customer says to you “I am fine for now”.

Know where you are at

The report builder within salesforce can be tricky to navigate and even trickier to use to build reports. Let us work beside you to explain the various parts of the builder and together create a report for you based on what you may want to know daily, weekly, monthly.

Contact me and let's set up the free consultation with your team.

Sentia is the smart layer for your salesforce.com system